I Was Excited When I Gained Admission In 1979 – Elizabeth Iyabo Dawodu nee Fisher

The education at MGHS provided me with the foundation of who I am today

I attended Methodist Girls’ High School from 1979 to 1984. I was fascinated with the school because my sisters were already students of MGHS and my mum was at the same time the secretary to the principal, Late Mrs. Onafowokan. I was excited when I gained admission in 1979 and it was an eventful year as it was the centenary celebration of the founding of the school. We had a week-long celebration.

I was in Cavell House. I still remember some of the events with the Late Mrs Onafowokan as our principal and later Late Mrs Pearse. Our inter-house sports were also fun, I participated in the match past.  I was so happy as a student, enjoyed going to school to study and meet friends most of whom we still communicate with one another.

Presently, I belong to Old Girls’ Association North America (OGA NA), I am the Welfare Officer for North America ’84 set and live in Houston, Texas.We have regular meetings and come to the aid of members who are in need of financial or emotional assistance. We also organize workshops on personal health and spiritual uplift that are very educative. We regularly call to check up on each other, and it has been a pleasure belonging to such a caring sisterhood. We provide necessary support whenever the need arises.

The education at MGHS provided me with the foundation of who I am today.
God bless MGHS, God bless OGA. 

Elizabeth Iyabo Dawodu nee Fisher

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