History is being made today in the MGHS OGA. Even though current global events have made it impossible to have a physical handing and taking over, the fact that the outgoing Executive Committee is handing over to the in-coming Executive Committee electronically is a landmark event. So was the entire conduct of the first truly global election To God be the glory.
Our association has come a long way. Many thanks to our mummy, Mrs Jackson who held the fort for 10 years when the OGA was somewhat unsettled. It is notable that during her tenure the Association was registered by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).
I would like to thank the outgoing President and her executive for a job very well done. Mrs Yomi Afolabi took over from Mama Jackson and increased the visibility and interest of the younger generation of old girls in the OGA. By dint of providence, the diaspora chapters also developed during their tenure and the bonds between the regional chapters were established.
Yomi Afolabi could have easily sailed home with these pluses, but fate designed that the challenge of the old block would come to the fore during her tenure. So, plans were put in place for a new building and the old block was brought down. A new design has been accepted and fund raising has commenced. These are remarkable strides, yet success is incomplete without a successor.
Yomi, you played your part and were divinely led to initiate the transition process. You constituted a competent and independent electoral team who succeeded in conducting a smooth global election. The new executive is blessed that you remain as Ex-officio on the committee as Immediate Past President. We trust you will avail us of the wealth of experience from your tenure.
It is true that a tree does not make a forest. So to other members of the outgoing executive, I say very sincerely, ‘Thank you’ for your service as I acknowledge your contribution to all that has been accomplished.
I also acknowledge the support of the Principal and other members of the school community to the OGA. I look forward to meeting our shared goal to have a school that would always stand in a place of honour.
On behalf of the new Executive Committee of your association, I promise that we would work constantly to raise the standards of our association. We solicit your prayers and support. We are here to represent you but please remember that the work is to be done by us all.
Long live MGHS OGA, Long live MGHS. God bless you all.